MetaBoss Beginner's Guide
Hello and welcome to MetaBoss Beginner's Guide! This place is for
people who have not had any exposure to MetaBoss and would like to get a quick feel
about MetaBoss, what is it used for and how does it help to develop software.
If you have already built one or more applications with MetaBoss - this place is
most probably too simple for you and there is a little point to waste any more of your time
reading this section. If, however, you have not had any exposure to MetaBoss before,
the answer to the questions "Is MetaBoss of any use to you?" and
"Should you read any further?" depends who are you and what are you after. All
we can do is to help you with the following executive summary:
The MetaBoss's value proposition is to "increase the return on investment in software development
by directing most of the intellectual effort towards modelling the business domain in a technology neutral modelling language
and use automation to produce real world systems". Generally speaking MetaBoss helps to build high quality distributed computer systems
- Can be deployed on many different computing platforms without redevelopment.
- Can scale up and down (again without redevelopment) in sync with business requirements and operating budgets.
- Relatively easy to refactor and meet additional requirements.
Well, here you have it. It is now up to you to decide whether MetaBoss may be of interest to you and whether
you wish to give this guide a chance.
What we expect you to know?
What does this guide cover?
What will you need?
University Course Registration System Description
Modelling the system
Preparing and running the Ant build file
Review what we have built
Adding handcoded service implementations
Deploying the system
Testing the system
What we expect you to know?
This guide is targeting beginners in MetaBoss, but not
beginners in Information Technology. Therefore we expect you to
have some level of understanding in following areas of computing:
- SDLC - especially design, code, test phases.
- UML modelling, especially class and statechart diagrams.
- Service Oriented Architecture concepts.
- Domain Data Objects, Relational databases and Object / Relational mapping techniques and issues.
- Java language.
- XML language.
- Apache Ant driven build process.
If you are not familiar with majority of the listed topics, you may
find this example somewhat challenging and difficult to understand.
What does this guide cover?
In this guide we will show you how to design, build and test
your first MetaBoss system - simple (and often used in similar examples) University Course Registration System.
The aim of this guide is to take you through all the steps as fast as possible,
therefore the system is simplified a lot.
At the end of this guide you will have:
- UML model of the University Course Registration System. It will have services model and domain object model
- Ant script used to build various artefacts from the model.
- Database creation script (Oracle or MySQL are your only two choices at the moment).
- Full middleware code (everything from Service tier down to database). The code is
enterprise technology independent and is deployable over CORBA, J2EE, RMI or even without any
remoting mechanism as part of the "fat" client.
- A number of executable test cases expressed in XML. These test cases used to
populate the deployed system with the test data and test various usage scenarios.
The end result of working through this guide is provided with MetaBoss release
in the ${metaboss_home}/examples/AmlaMater folder. Please note that MetaBoss release also
contains more complex example of HatMaker enterprise, but one has to learn how to walk before
learning how to fly...
What will you need?
You may choose to passively read this guide (i.e. read
the guide, look at example files but do not attempt to repeat the actions
described in the guide). In this case you do not really need anything
apart from this guide (and it appears that you are reading this, so
you are 100% equipped to proceed).
You may also choose to actively follow and reproduce the steps
described in this guide. In this case you have to study the
MetaBoss Configuration Guide and ensure that
MetaBoss and certain third party software is properly installed on your computer.
University Course Registration System Description
The University Course Registration System we need to build
helps to maintain information about Students, Teachers and Courses. Courses are
attended by Students and have Supervisor and Lecturers (both are Teachers).
The system must offer basic services for creating, deleting, updating of Students, Teachers and Courses
as well as provide specialised search and reporting services such as:
- Find all free Teachers (ie. the Teachers who are not assigned to any Course).
In other words find all Teachers who are not listed as Supervisor or Lecturer for any Course.
- Find all Teachers who may be familiar with the particular Student. In other words
find all Teachers associated with any Course attended by particular Student.
Modelling the system
MetaBoss Design Studio is the system modelling tool supplied with MetaBoss.
The advantage of the MetaBoss Design Studio is that it offers restricted, tailor made modelling environment
where designer can work much more productively than in generic UML tool. The disadvantage
of the MetaBoss Design Studio is that it does not offer all UML diagrams at the moment - it only
offers diagrams used by MetaBoss in generation. The good news is that both MetaBoss Design Studio
or generic UML tool, such as Poseidon for UML, can be used for modelling. So the choice is really
lies with the user. The MetaBoss Design Studio Guide has more
details on how to use the studio. More information on Poseidon for UML is available from its makers
The modelling process does not really depend on the chosen tool. What we need to
create is:
- Hierarchy of the namespaces to represent University (we will give it a name "AlmaMater"),
the Course Registration System (we will give it an abbreviation "CRS") within the University
- The dictionary of DataTypes to be used in our model. Every
kind of data we will handle is represented by DataType. For example PersonName is a string like DataType
with maximum length of 40 characters.
- The CRS Domain model (located within CSR System). This model is essentially
a UML Class diagram which models the relationships between Students, Courses and Lecturers.
- The CRS Services model (located within CSR System). This model is essentially
a UML Class diagram which models the services offered by CRS system, the input and output
data structures required by these services and possible outcomes (i.e. errors, warnings etc...)
of invoking these services.
Click here to learn how this model can be created using MetaBoss Design Studio.
Click here to learn how this model can be created using Poseidon for UML
(Warning! This chapter is incomplete and at the moment it seems that Poseidon 2.2.1CE does not support
enough UML functionality for us to use this tool. We have discovered problems as we were writing this chapter
and working through the design ourselves. We are trialling alternative UML tools in order to rewrite this chapter properly.
You may still find this chapter useful in its current form as an overview on how to design MetaBoss model with generic UML tool).
Please note that the resulting model files are located
in DesignStudio or Poseidon subdirectories in the ${metaboss_home}/examples/AmlaMater/Model folder.
To open MetaBoss Design Studio model - open the ${metaboss_home}/examples/AmlaMater/Model/DesignStudio/Model.xml file.
To open Poseidon model - open the ${metaboss_home}/examples/AmlaMater/Model/Poseidon/AlmaMater.zuml file.
Preparing and running the Ant build file
After we have finished modelling, the next step is to
generate, compile and package various model-driven documents such as Java source, Database creation scripts, System test scripts etc.
We will do that using Apache Ant build tool in conjunction with a set of MetaBoss's customised Ant tasks.
Ant build process is driven from the build file which contains definition of the sequence of build steps in xml format.
The build file is located in the ${metaboss_home}/examples/AmlaMater folder.
Click here to look at the build file.
Click here to learn about build file contents.
Once the build file is prepared, we are ready to conduct the build. To illustrate
the sequence of the shell commands required to do the build, we have provided a small number
of MS-DOS/Windows batch files in the ${metaboss_home}/examples/AmlaMater directory:
- The build.bat batch file is used to build the system.
- The clean.bat batch file is used to clean up the old temporary build directories
in order to conduct build from scratch.
- The setenvironment.bat batch file is invoked by other batch files
in order to setup build environment variables. Notice how ANT_ARGS environment variable is introducing
MetaBoss Ant customisation jar into the Ant environment.
Note that you will most likely have to change this batch file to reflect the locations and versions of JDK and Apache Ant you are using.
You are now fully equipped to do the build. Good luck!
Review what we have built
At the end of the successful build your console should look something like the one below:

In this chapter we will explore the artefacts created during the build. So, if you do not
have much time and prefer to run quickly through the example, you may skip this entire chapter.
Two new directories 'Release' and 'Build' should now appear under your ${metaboss_home}/examples/AlmaMater
project directory. The Release subdirectory contains all releasable parts of the build. The idea is that one can just
create archive out of this subdirectory and release it to consumers.
The Build subdirectory contains all temporary files produced during the build. Most interesting files her are the
the source files generated by MetaBoss. They are located in the Build/generatedsource subdirectory.
Click here to learn about contents of the release.
Click here to learn about generated source files.
Adding handcoded service implementations
At this point in our example we already have a large portion of code generated for us from the model.
As we have seen in the previous chapter, we already have interfaces for all business services and implementations for the
domain support services which offer trivial Create/Read/Upate/Delete operations for all entities. So what is left for us to
handcode? The only thing left is the implementations for the special services we have modelled ourselves.
These services are non-trivial and the model does not have enough information for MetaBoss to generate
implementations automatically. This is because MetaBoss (similarly to any other tool we know)
does not support the moment modelling of operation implementation. The reason is that the problem domain is too complex
and the range of possibilities is too wide (In fact it may well be that there is no language higher than programming language
itself, which is able to fully describe operation implementation).
In our example we have 'MiscellaneousQueries' service (model path is CRS->Public Interfaces->Service Modules->Reporting->MiscellaneousQueries).
We have modelled service specification for this service and have got corresponding
interface generated for us. All we have to do now is to create an implementation of the service.
The previous chapter has shown a number of generated implementations and the only real difference between these
and the one we are about to do that we need to code this one by hand. The service implementation consists of two java classes: the implementation of the service interface and
the JNDI object factory class which instantiates this implementation.
Click here to look at the service implementation class.
Click here to look at the implementation factory class.
Click here to learn about how this implementation was written and built.
Deploying the system
There are many ways to deploy the system built with MetaBoss.
The simplest way is to pack all generated jar files together with a small number of required
framework files (eg. tyrex.jar for transaction management, log4j.jar for logging,
mysql-connector.jar for database access etc) into the single deployment unit and
deploy it at the "fat" client end. In this single JVM mode(or as we call it "inprocess" mode)
there is only one client application JVM (eg. Swing GUI application or Struts Web application)
and middleware is not remoted. The reason this way is simplest is that there is only one
JVM to worry about, so creathing right classpath, deploying and debugging is easier.
However, large enterprises do not usually work this way. Small benefits of
inprocess middleware deployment qickly become liabilities when large organizations have to deal with
change management and multiple client interfaces (eg. Web apps, WAP apps, Web services, Desktop apps etc). Here is where distribution comes to the rescue.
Distribution is the technique where systems are broken up to a number of pieces and deployed
over a number of computers. MetaBoss's multilayered architecture contains two service layers:
the Business Services layer and the Storage Services layer. Systems can be distributed
at either or both of these boundaries. The choice of the distribution technology is also
quite large. One could use RMI, CORBA, J2EE or any other remoting mechanism (if MetaBoss does not have
required generator - it is normally quite simple task to create one). In order to deploy the system in distributed fashion one needs to
generate distribution proxy for the chosen service layer (Business or Storage) and for the technology of choice.
After this is done, the client and server JVMs are configurred to work with each other using JNDI
componentisation mechanism.
We actually consider distributed deployment to be an advanced topic and for
the purpose of this beginner example will not delve into it any further (please
refer to the HatMaker example for more on this subject). What we will do is demonstrate
simple inprocess deployment. We will combine this with testing in the next chapter.
The whole system will be deployed in one unit (ie. single JVM) together with the Test Scenario Runner application.
Testing the system
Once the system is deployed - it is time to test it. The outcome we want to achieve
in this step is to verify that the system is working correctly and possibly create a regression
test artefact to help us ensure that there is no regression in future releases.
To test our system we will use MetaBoss Testing Framework.
We have only coded a portion of the system - the one which implements special queries -
and we will mostly concentrate on testing this very portion. This is because statistically
the code generated by MetaBoss has far less problems than the one prepared by hand. Having said that,
the testing requires to create database and populate it with known dataset. To do that we will
use generated database scripts and some of the automatically generated operations, so they will be tested any way.
Broadly speaking, the testing involves following steps:
Design the test cases including the dataset they are to be executed with. The overriding goal of the design is to
allow us to test as much as possible of the functionality. This involves understanding the operations being tested, planning what conditions should be tested,
listing all the required operations inputs, expected outputs as well as entities together with their attribute values and relationships.
The dataset definition and test cases are stored in XML format in accordance with the schema generated from the model
- this ensures that the sample data and the operations used in the test cases are aligned with the model.
Create the database and populate it with the dataset which we have designed in the previous step.
To create the database we use database creation SQL scripts generated from the model. To
populate database we use the database maintenance test scenario scripts, which in turn use actual DomainSupport services generated from the model
(ie. they are not SQL scripts, they are database independent test scripts expressed in XML).
Execute the test cases and study the results. If results are matching what was expected - excellent. If not
we would need to find what went wrong: The problem might be in our test cases or coding or even design.
This is where the process becomes iterative. We will have to go back to whereever the problem is, fix it
and re-run the build and/or test process.
At the point where we are happy with the test outcome, we may save the test result file for future use
in the regression testing.
The centrepiece of the MetaBoss testing framework is the ScenarioRunner utility.
This utility reads test case definitions, executes them by invoking enterprise services, records the results and
possibly even compares them with trusted specimen results. ScenarioRunner is integrated with Apache Ant which allows
to program complex test procedures and combine various preparation steps (eg. database initialisations) with test scenario runs.
Click here to look at the directory with sample data files.
Click here to look at the directory with test case files.
Click here to look at the test procedure Ant file.
Click here to look at the directory with test log files.
Click here to learn how the test procedure was designed, built and run.
This example has shown how to use various parts of MetaBoss tool set to
design, build and test simple enterprise system. We hope that you have enjoyed working through this
example with us and that you have seen enough to make a decision whether MetaBoss is right tool for you.
Just to increase your appetite a bit more, we would like to list the advanced MetaBoss features
which were deliberately left out of this example in order to keep it simple:
- Comprehensive data types modelling facility
This example has only scratched the surface of the MetaBoss's
business data types framework. It is possible to define any imaginable data type in the model.
For example the data type specification may include regular expressions to validate the values against.
It can also list the limited set of enumerable values (eg. days of the week).
- Object Constraints facility
This example has not demonstrated the ability to specify validity constraints
on Operation Inputs, Data Structures and Entities. Constraints are very important part of the
system design. They are specified in the model at the design time using OCL (stands for Object Constraints Language.
OCL is specified in the UML specification). Based on these constraints in the model MetaBoss generates data
validation code which ensures at run-time that constraints are not violated.
- Entity collection filtering facility
This example has not demonstrated the ability to model any number of Entity Selectors
(ie. filters) which then become selection methods on the Java classes which represent the collection of entities.
Selectors are very powerful igredient of the MetaBoss domain entity collections mechanism.
- Entity state machine facility
This example has not demonstrated the ability to model Entity State Machines using
UML State Machine diagram (for example Student entity might have 'Applicant','Current' and 'Graduate' states
with appropriate transitions between them). If Entity has a State Machine associated with it, the generated code will
automatically ensure that the value of the State atribute can only be transitioned in the directions
specified in the State Machine diagram.
- Ability to deploy the same system on a range of technologies
This example has not demonstrated that the same binary, without
any changes or even recompilation, can be deployed in CORBA or J2EE environment. This is achieved by
building and deploying additional distribution proxy layer for the chosen technology (building is fully automated step
and deploying done usig JNDI configuration file).
- Ability to automate the test acceptance process
This example has not demonstrated that the Test Cases can
contain acceptance conditions which are automatically verified by the MetaBoss Testing Framework during testing.
- Ability to automatically build Web Services layer
This example has not demonstrated that MetaBoss allows to expose
all or some services as Web Services, without any changes or even recompilation to the system code.
This is achieved by building and deploying Web Service front end layer. The build of this layer is fully automated
and resulting Web Application Archive can be deployed straight into the servlet container (eg. Apache Tomcat).
If you wish to learn more about the features listed above, please refer to the more comprehensive HatMaker example.
Should you decide to continue with MetaBoss, there are plenty of other documentation chapters,
examples, support channels, forums and FAQs to help you along the way.
Thank you very much for your time!